Last Updated on March 19, 2022 by Rashid Hassan

Many of us might take it too funny to accept they have a shopping addiction. But in cases, this thing is not an issue of a joke. For the people who are ‘Shopaholic’, they might be suffering from a technical term ‘Oniomania’. In fact, it’s just another term for ‘Compulsive Buying Disorder’, which is characterized by a compulsive behavior of a person with shopping and buying things uselessly. TechnoMusk throws some light on this behavior of a person, with its signs and ways on how to combat the addiction of a person towards the Online Shopping:

Signs that you’re suffering from Online Shopping Addiction

Any feeling like that ‘I can’t stop online shopping even if I want to’ or if ‘ I tried my hands off from Online Shopping and I failed’.

  • Online Shopping has affected badly my work, my relationships and even my finances
  • I argue over my online shopping behavior with my friends and near ones
  • Most of the times, I think about Online Shopping
  • Even, I feel upset over my incapability to do online shop, in cases I miss it
  • Online Shopping relaxes me a lot
  • I hide several purchases out of fear that people will object to my purchases
  • I often feel guilty after online shopping
  • I spend less time hanging out with friends and family as I love Online Shopping
  • I often buy things, irrespective of its use
  • I regularly check what’s on sale and what’s new!
  • I always a tab open with the online shop and cart ready
  • My email inbox is filled with promotional emails rather than important conversational emails
  • I have an adrenaline rush whenever I get sale announcement emails and notifications
  • I am filled with complete anger, when the item I want is out of a sale
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If you believe, you are showing these signs; you are surely having ‘Compulsive Buying Disorder’, a compulsive behavior of a person with shopping and buying things uselessly. This disorder can worsen if not taken care of and a person can always make the things go wrong, if things are not taken under control.

Teenage shopping addiction

To combat the issue of Oniomania or ‘Compulsive Buying Disorder’, here are some steps:

Steps to combat Online Shopping Addiction

Unsubscribe from all promotional emails

Stop getting all notifications of those mouth watering emails and notifications from Online Shopping websites. The more you pay attention towards those enticing promotional emails, the more you are allured towards the online shopping.

Block access of your favorite Online Shopping Websites from your internet

Blocking access of favorite online shopping websites allows you to put a limit on the number of times, you open these websites. However, in doing so, you need a lot of courage and self control. Dare to do it? Try it to Combat Online Shopping Addiction!

Delete all Shopping Apps from your mobile

It’s the time to empty your phone memory by deleting all those online shopping apps, and get rid of those enticing offers and discounts available. Also, no apps, no websites (since they are blocked from your IP), your access gets very limited and will help you in your fight against Compulsive Buying Disorder

Retrain your brain and refresh your brain with seeking out other ways to consume your time

Are you free? Start exploring various other options to consume your time! The more leisure you are, the more is the thought over the online shopping creep in your mind, and you may be allured towards the online shopping. Better you engage your free time, in some other creative things or having a chit chat with your friends and loved ones.

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Get help, a serious help from your colleagues, friends and your loved ones!

If you are in need of a help, why don’t you consult your friends, and loved ones. Go to them and they will surely help you out. Get their advices and even if needed, visit a doctor to seek out the best consultation in getting rid of your Online Shopping Addiction!

Online Shopping addiction will get worse, if not handled well in time. With the competition in the eCommerce industry growing, the websites are offering more promotional deals and coupons to allow customers return back with those coupons and enticing them towards making just another purchase. Handle Oniomania or ‘Compulsive Buying Disorder’ before it’s too late and Combat Online Shopping Addiction.

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By Rashid Hassan

Rashid Hassan is the founder of TechnoMusk, a Technology Blog, which offers digital products reviews, apps and software guide and tips and lots of information on technology. Also, he is the founder of Esportsmusk, which is a egaming blog. Dream Big, Achieve Bigger!

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